Monday, June 15, 2015

Readers and Writers Celebration

The year has passed so quickly and now it is almost time to say goodbye to all my kiddos.
I am posting a link to our end of the year final song "Kindergarten Reading Song"

Saturday, September 6, 2014

What will this year bring?

This kindergarten year is full of possibilities! Your child will grow physically, academically, and emotionally into a stronger, smarter, and more capable young person.  Learning to read and comprehend will change the way your child approaches life's joys and hurdles. Many people take reading for granted but just imagine how different life would be if you were not able to read. You would be on the outside looking at a world that communicates with words.  Reading is power and a gift that once acquired enriches its owner for a lifetime. Take a look at this inspiring video from Scholastic and think back to a time when a book meant a chance to use your reading power and grow.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

About me. . .

I LOVE my job! I have been a kindergarten teacher for 12 years and love it! I am also a mother to three incredible children. I am married to a wonderful man, who also happens to be our principal. Life is hectic, but it is important to slow down to appreciate everyday wonders. Children take notice of wonders, slow down and share those wonders with your child!

Welcome to a very special year of learning and growing.

     I look forward to meeting everyone at Open House on September 2nd from 3:30-5:00. Please try to attend so your child can get a preview of what Kindergarten is all about and to meet me and fellow students. It is also a great time to drop off supplies and see the classroom.